Contact us to be a part of winning in the 2021-2022 NFL and NBA seasons!

We are going to go live after sitting out the affects of COVID-19 on the NFL and NBA over the last year. Contact us at [email protected] for more information. You can also review our open website tabs for more information on how to become part of the ProfessorWinnTM community.

ProfessorWinnTM sports prognostication services are based on decades spent perfecting a consistent approach to identifying the winning side of sporting event betting lines for the NFL and NBA as provided by major US sportsbooks. Since formulating the plan to offer ProfessorWinnTM picks to subscribers, algorithms for the NFL and NBA have been tracked for success previous to COVID-19 with the following results:

The ProfessorWinnTM Index illustrates how an original bankroll of $1000 would have grown if ProfessorWinnTM selections had been used to place $110 to win $100 bets since late 2016 starting with the NFL, then including NBA selections around the beginning of 2019. As you can see, ProfessorWinnTM results during this time period and up to COVID-19 look similar to a bullish stock market index. While past results are no guarantee of future performance, and there will always be some downs with the ups, our proof of concept illustrates that a consistent approach with some occasional patience can lead to successful long-term results!

Join our posse looking for ‘Winns’!

For those who are interested in this concept, ProfessorWinnTM has decided to ‘go live’ and share picks with you! Follow along as ProfessorWinnTM chooses winners at a rate that beats high price prognosticators and paid sports site professionals! ProfessorWinnTM focus is on analyzing and picking the games instead of marketing. Winning is the best marketer, so as our community grows, you can share in the the benefits by asking how to be a Subscription Sponsor.

We will be taking subscription orders to receive picks during each active month we provide our service (currently October – June) for $40/month. This covers the extensive amount of time and effort it takes to analyze each and every game, so you don’t have to, and to administer the website and subscriber communications. We look forward to hearing from you.